Do you wanna go viral?
You're at the right place.

What can we do for you? Well...
We Design.
We design content for social media – we design more than just posters, we design perceptions. Everything that you put out communicates something, why not use that for your advantage?
We Advertise.
You know your audience. But how do you find them on the internet? how do you get your message out to the right people?
It looks difficult, but don’t worry. We can reach and engage your audiences for you.
We do Creative Content.
We make funny copies, serious copies, copy copies, puns, jokes, stories, rhymes, games, animations – anything that helps you put the best message out in the best format possible.
We do SEO.
Do you want to be well ranked on Google? Well, we do SEO too.
We Engage.
Are you exhibiting? Or building software? Or do you just want to engage with your people?
Let us help you with your engagement plan to make the most out of your conversations. We can help design anywhere from your exhibition stall to google form questionnaire.
121 Viral is not yet another social media marketing agency. We don’t do ‘posts’, we do campaigns. We design perceptions and create real communities.
We’re like Donald Trump – we have the best people and we do bigly stuff!
Recent Projects
Here's the cool work we've done.
Our Friends
The people we love who
love us back!

Latest Blogs
Find out our opinion
and hacks.

Why I can't get my head around the "end" to FBI-Apple case.
We’ve all been following this case from a few weeks. And the most interesting part is, we have a new party come in like every day to not add complexity to…

The Art of Social Media War
We all have been involved in a Social Media fight at some point in our life. Whether it was a forum on PS Vs Xbox or iPhone vs Android… We fight fight…

Let's work together